Below you'll find a list of equipment we recommended to our client based on their live stream needs. Please keep in mind, we are an Amazon Associate, and we receive commissions from the items you purchase using the links provided below.

Meet Peter Ashley

Meet Peter Ashley, the VP of Marketing at Applied Information. Among Peter's many responsibilities, he leads the team in creating high-quality video content utilizing the live stream studio we built for Applied Info in 2020. Now that Peter is back on the road meeting with clients, he wanted to have a portable live stream kit he could travel with.

Applied Info's Needs

After the success of Applied Information’s live stream studio build, and with travel restrictions easing, they wanted to bring the live stream on the road. While the live stream studio at their iATL laboratory works great, it’s a larger setup that would be a hassle to frequently move locations. So they hired us to assemble a kit their sales team could easily travel with to film live streams on the road with their clients and partners.

Our Solution

After our consultation, we performed research to determine the right combination of equipment that could fit in a travel case. Once the gear list was purchased, we custom-outfitted a hard Pelican case with all the live stream equipment neatly fit inside. This traveling live stream kit runs off battery, takes little time to set up, and easy to operate. Now Applied Information’s sales team regularly creates live streams and captures interviews while traveling. This kit will be utilized once tradeshows begin as well.


Check out our short videos to hear why we chose this specific equipment.

Video Cameras

Live Stream

Sound & Lighting

Applied Info's Portable Live Stream Studio


Below you'll find the camera equipment we recommended to Peter for his portable live stream studio. Please remember that some items are optional based upon preference, and some items you will need to purchase multiple of. As an example, if you purchase two cameras, you will need two tripods, two cards, 2 lenses, etc.

Needed Accessories

Below you'll find our recommendations to Peter for the needed cables, and adapters for his portable live stream setup.


Below you'll find our recommendations to Peter for the best sound and lighting equipment for his portable studio.


View specific live stream builds for our clients. See full equipment lists and gear buying tips.


For Sierra Nevada and ENO


For Sandler Training


For Applied Information


We know building a live stream setup can be overwhelming. Save the hours of time and research, and let us take care of it for you. Set up a consultation and get a custom plan tailored specifically to your needs. We can also install the live stream equipment and train your team on how to easily operate the system. Use the form below to schedule a time to speak with us.


15-minute phone call
Needs analysis
General guidance

Custom Plan

Comprehensive consultation
Detailed needs analysis
Current market research
Product availability checks
Custom shopping list
Initial setup support (phone/email)

Install & Training

In-person installation
In-person training
System testing
Support (phone/email)